Dogs in Zoos?
Don’t worry I’m not suggesting you lock your precious pet away where the wild things are. Today I want to tell you about

In Germany, there are many dog friendly zoos and wildlife parks, but my favorite is ZOOM Erlebniswelt. Spread out over 77 acres in Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, ZOOM is divided into three regions; Alaska, Africa & Asia.

I first visited ZOOM while traveling around Europe with my first Frenchie, Tara. We went with several friends and their dogs and was nervous about how they would all react to the exhibits. Would the dogs bark and traumatize the animals? Would people give us dirty looks for having dogs in a zoo? What if we were turned away at the gate?

My concerns were soon alleviated. The zoo was so dog friendly that the pups even got their own tickets (6,00€ each). We saw at least half a dozen other people with pets, and no one gave us dirty looks. Most importantly, the exhibited animals seemed completely unfazed by all the pups walking around.

There are several

Feeding Time:
Dogs will have no difficulty finding refreshment at ZOOM. There are water dog friendly water bowls all along the primary pathways of the zoo. Many trash barrels also line the paths, so guests have no excuse not to clean up after their pets.

While visiting a dog friendly zoo may seem strange, I find it a pleasant way to spend the day. If you have a well-behaved pup, who’s curious about other animals he might enjoy it too. ZOOM Management just asks that guests do not bring more than one dog at a time and if you are with a group, there can be more than three dogs together – reasonable restrictions for a unique experience with your dog.

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Thank you for making us part uf your adventure Jenna! What a great time was it in this Zoo!
Great article, thanks a lot! I just found out that in wintertime (Sept.-March) the ticket for dogs is only 5 Euro. 🙂